Assisterande instruktör
Verena Farnbacher
Chiemsee, Germany - - Assistant Trainer since 2017
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Verena participated in the Vienna 1 Feldenkrais Training 1992-1995. She runs a private practice in her hometown, Chiemsee, in Germany,as well as one in Salzburg, Austria.
Some of her activities include introducing the Feldenkrais Method at the Physiotherapy Academy in Hall/Tirol and working with special needs children in different countries. The Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA) is part of her way of applying Feldenkrais in working with special needs children. The JKA is a unique way of helping children with special needs to learn, grow and develop, based on the work of Dr. Feldenkrais.
Verena comes from a background of physiotherapy and movement. Her physiotherapy training included the Feldenkrais Method and she focused especially on working with handicapped children and adults.
She has taken dancing, martial arts and yoga classes for many years and is also a yoga teacher.